
Something’s Fishy about Sales Pitch for Law of the Sea Treaty

Note: For a more thorough analysis of the Law of the Sea Treaty, read the Victory Institute’s Fact Sheet available here.

Every few years, Congress takes up the issue of the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST), officially referred to in the international community as the U.N. Convention for the Law of the Sea. The convention is essentially a constitution for the world’s oceans, but the economic protections and navigation rights come at a price.

LOST advocates would have us believe that when the treaty first reared its head 30 years ago, President Ronald Reagan refused to sign due to technicalities, which were addressed in 1994.

However, Reagan’s former attorney general, Ed Meese recently wrote that while a portion of Reagan’s concerns were addressed, subverting our national sovereignty to an unaccountable international governing body was not.

Reagan did have issues with portions of the treaty, but more importantly, the president opposed LOST because it was a direct threat to our national sovereignty. In fact, Reagan opposed the treaty so strongly that he fired the State Department staff that negotiated it.

Meese gives a full account of Reagan’s history with LOST and is a must-read.

But how much weight should we put behind what other people say about a former president who is conveniently no longer alive to defend himself – especially those who had nothing to do with him?

Read the full article at The Victory Institute

2 thoughts on “Something’s Fishy about Sales Pitch for Law of the Sea Treaty

  • Thanks brother. I am not too worried about martial law, Brasso. I have plenty of friends in law enforcement, and they all say there is no way that the Obama administration could force them to disarm American citizens. Perhaps one day, after precipitous economic collapse (man-made or otherwise) but not today.

    The problem is not Obama – the problem is the mentality of the voters that elected Obama. We need critical thinkers that understand the issues facing our country: foreign policy, economics, national security, the Constitution, etc. Sadly, we have allowed ourselves to become ignorant and apathetic, falling victim to manipulation efforts by the powerful elite in media, politics, labor, and business.

    We have to elevate the debate and demand accountable leadership from our elected officials in government.

  • I thought the article was excellent. I knew about the “Law of the Sea”, however, I had no idea about this LOST agenda. Again the UN is out to dominate everything and everybody. IMO they need not be in the USA. They should be out on some Island in the middle of the ocean to keep from having the chance to slip in moles and other unwanted folks. And they won’t have anymore diplomatic immunity here in the USA. Our Nation is in turmoil and the UN is just trying to monopolize on it since there are more crooks and cowards in our political system than one could imagine. The future of this country is at risk right now and it Obama is re-elected I’m afraid that within a couple of years we will be involved in a revolution to avoid having to live under martial law.

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