
New Air Force shirts on sale at the VI store

A selection the new shirts only available from the VI Online Store: Air Force Pararescue “That Others May Live” (left) and Air Force Fire Protection badge shirt. The firefighter shirt comes in a variety of patches (subdued as seen here or regular) and colors. Click on the images to check them out at the VI Online Store!

2 thoughts on “New Air Force shirts on sale at the VI store

  • Robert,
    As soon as I set up the shirt, the Air Force said that I need to go through a process in order to sell AF apparel, starting with a credit check. Not going to do that, so I guess this former AF fireman, who designed the logo by hand, won’t be selling any fire protection t-shirts.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Best regards,
    Chris Carter

  • Robert Sipes

    I am attemtping to order an Air Force Fire Protection shirt however I am unable to do so. When I click on the shirt I want it isn’t added to the shopping cart. It send me back to the menu screen that displays other branches and shirt designs.

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