
Who won World War II?

Detroit slum

From Mark Steyn’s latest column, “Motown’s Biggest Hit!

… [U]nlike European cities, no bombs fell on Detroit. They did this to themselves. And the real rubble is not the ruined buildings, but the ruined people. This is an American city at the dawn of the 21st century, and one in two of its citizens are illiterate. That’s about the same rate as the Ivory Coast, or the Central African Republic …

Hiroshima, Japan (Source:

To illustrate the point, consider today’s breathtakingly modern Hiroshima, which was devastated 65 years ago by an atomic bomb.  In contrast, no bomb has ever landed anywhere near the Motor City. But by looking at these images, one would think that Japan was actually the winner of World War II.

We did this to ourselves: Decades of progressive government and naughty citizens managed to destroy what Germany, Japan, and the Soviet Union could not.

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