
Be fruitful and multiply

Did you know that Muslim countries compose more than half of the world’s 50 fastest-reproducing countries?

The top four nations are Muslim: Niger is the world’s most fertile nation with 7.68 births per female, followed by Uganda at 6.73, Mali at 6.54, and Somalia at 6.44.

In fact, 29 of the top 50 nations are Muslim. Nearly all non-Muslim nations in the top 50 are African.

The first Western power is Israel (ranked 76th worldwide) with 2.72 births per female, the next being the United States (124th) with 2.06. A nation’s fertility rate must be at least 2.1 for a society to hold at replacement levels.

This reminds me of the quote from a somewhat prophetic Houari Boumédienne, the former President of Algeria and Secretary General of the Non-Aligned Movement:

“One day, millions of men will leave the Southern Hemisphere to go to the Northern Hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends.

“Because they will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give us victory.”

While each mother from Sub-Saharan Africa is popping out six to seven potential jihadists, the population of Western nations is in a downward spiral. This is very bad news when you consider that our so-called allies have already lost their resolve to fight the jihadist threat; preferring to let the U.S. do all the work as they watch the clash of civilizations from the sidelines.

The jihadists may not have the economy or technology to beat us, but they certainly have the will and the numbers. Sooner or later, the West will be too weak and indifferent to fight, and that means that the jihadists have won already.

Note – all figures are from the 2010 CIA World Factbook.

One thought on “Be fruitful and multiply

  • A society unwilling to reproduce itself or defend its values is done.

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