
More on the Marines’ retaking of the MV Magellan Star

From my latest article at Family Security Matters:

“This is a direct result of intense training over a long period of time,” says W. Thomas Smith Jr., director of the U.S. Counterterrorism Advisory Team and a recognized expert on seaborne piracy. “Any type of kinetic operation is dangerous. But when you add the elements of the sea, boarding, and then close-quarters once aboard, the danger is ramped up exponentially.”

Just how dangerous is it to board a vessel with armed pirates on board?

“Extremely dangerous for several reasons,” says Smith, who years ago as a U.S. Marine coincidentally sailed on USS Dubuque (the ship from which today’s raid was launched). “First, pirates today are often equipped with everything from satellite phones, GPS receivers, and long-range telescopes to all manner of weapons, including RPGs, assault rifles and pistols. Second, if pirates have already taken the ship, they may be in strong defensive positions with good cover from which they may totally focus on observing and engaging the boarding parties, whereas the boarders are exposed and having to divide their focuses between engaging and boarding. Pirates also may set booby traps and establish ambush positions, and there may be hostages involved.”

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