
Red-carpet treatment for detained illegals

From The US Report:

Officers and agents have issued a ‘no confidence’ vote in  assistant secretary of Homeland Security for ICE John Morton and Office of Detention Policy and Planning assistant director Phyllis Coven.

Janice Kephart at the nonpartisan Center for Immigration Studies wrote, “In an unprecedented move within the Department of Homeland Security, the detention and removal officers and agents responsible for and sworn to enforcing our nation’s immigration laws issued an exhaustive, scathing letter simply titled “‘VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE IN ICE DIRECTOR JOHN MORTON AND ODPP ASSISTANT DIRECTOR PHYLLIS COVEN’ on June 11, 2010.”

The letter from the American Federation of Government Employees came after ICE issued new requirements in May for detention centers, part of Morton’s new approach to treatment of detainees. Among those requirements:

• Increase availability of legal supplies and postage to indigent detainees for legal correspondence.

• Add research resources at the law libraries.

• Play the “Know Your Rights” legal orientation video in each housing unit every day (not in lieu of in person legal programs but in addition to them).

• Eliminate lock downs and lights out for appropriate classification.

• Reduce the frequency of and, as reasonable, wholly eliminate pat down searches (noncriminal Level l’s in facilities where non-criminal Level l’s can be separated into a discreet housing unit).

• Soften the look for the facility with hanging plants, flower baskets, new paint colors, different bedding and furniture, wall graphics and framed pictures on the walls, and enhance the aesthetics of the living areas.

• Expand programming for detainees to include movie nights, bingo, arts and crafts, dance, walk and exercise classes, health and welfare classes, basic cooking classes, tutoring and self-paced computer training on portable computer stations.

• Provide celebrations of special occasions and allowing a detainee to receive outside, packaged food for celebrations.

• Offer continental breakfasts that are completely self serve on holidays and weekends.

Email and free phone service are also included.

In essence, the federal government is creating a welfare state on the US border.

What will our country look like when this administration is finished transforming this country?

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