
Political correctness

Recently a friend chastised me for comparing Obama to Hitler. He meant well, and I took it in the spirit it was meant – no harm no foul. However there is a point that many are missing: If you study Hitler’s rise to power, the similarities to the rise of Obama are quite startling. Further, he has already made this country what those in Europe are calling the Post-Christian age and the Post-Constitution age.

In the last two years the First Amendment of the Constitution has been trashed. The internet is now under governmental control, as well as the media, the medical industry, the insurance industry, the banking industry, student loans and many others. The rule of law has been trashed and an effort is currently underway to divide America by both religion and color. The Black Panthers have the approval and protection of the White House and are protected by the same. We have numerous foreign terrorist  terrorist organizations – operating inside our own country. Their training camps are actively training recruits – often from our own prisons – in the how-to’s of the Islamic jihadist agenda.

The state of Arizona is under fire for simply trying to get control of the border and prevent the free entry into the U.S. through paramilitary means. In Pinal County alone the illegals are coming over the border at a rate of 2,500 a day according to statistics from the Pinal County Sheriff’s office. That’s just one county, so you can imagine how many are coming through within the entire border. Here is another little piece of agony for you as well the DHS and the CIA estimate that 30% to 40% are from the middle east via Venezuela where Chavez works with the terrorist organizations – providing a few months of language and cultural immersion before the operatives go over the border with the rest of the illegal immigrants.

My question to you is: Have you ever wondered why all these things are happening?

Certainly none of you are naive enough to think our government doesn’t know. Of course they know! The Middle Eastern terrorists are paying their host countries $10,000 to $15,000 per head to breach the borders via Mexico. So why are all these things happening to the extreme detriment of our country, our freedom, and our liberties? Simple, the government today approves of all these things, whole heartedly. So why aren’t we saying so? Perhaps because we figure that “it can’t happen here.” So we appease the government and Islam at every turn. It is no longer politically correct to speak the truth, and in some instances it’s quite dangerous to. Finally it is a lack of courage combined with appeasement and the ever changing political correctness, which is simply the inability to speak the truth for fear of offending. Therefore, it is speaking lies, such as the edict from the Capitol telling us we are not to say “Islamic” and “terrorists” together any more.

This country is drowning in a sea of political correctness and B.S. allowing the nation to die. No one seems to be considering the big picture other than how it affects them directly. If it benefits you right now it’s cool, if it doesn’t you bitch. Never mind the loopholes and breaks in the rule of law or the Constitution.

Good luck people you are like frogs in water – never knowing that it’s almost to the boiling level and not wanting to even know there is a fire beneath you.  This fire is burning up your freedom.

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