
Arizona Rights

I have seen liberals from all over the country screaming to high heaven about Arizona cracking down on illegal immigration – particularly from the northern part of the country. The Department of Homeland Security even says recently that Middle Eastern terrorists are learning Spanish and crossing the border with the local Mexicans.

Lets examine this shall we?

The operative words being “ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.” This says immediately that they are starting their American experience by breaking the law.
They should go to jail and when they are done with their sentence be deported.

It only seems fair since an Americans entering Mexico illegally are thrown in prison. Illegal immigrants from Central or South America are routinely beaten and raped. And they accuse us of racism and violating human rights?

Our nation can no longer afford to provide free schooling, health care, housing and other amenities to illegal immigrants who then say “We aren’t going to pay taxes.” Why should we be forced to take care of criminals from another country?

The same illegals are often drug mules as well as dealers, and in some cases terrorists.

The border is the responsibility of the federal government, but when they dropped the ball, Arizonans simply said “fine WE will take care of it.” For this the socialistic and global government proponents are hammering them crying about profiling. Well if it looks like poop ,smells like poop, and tastes like poop, generally it is poop.

The illegals coming through Arizona alone are costing the state $2.6 billion per year alone. Not to mention the future consequences of allowing terrorist’s to cross the border at will.

I am quite sure that people who have never lived in a border state, who know nothing of the problems of the people of that state, are NOT qualified to say diddly squat about it. Yet the liberal media does it all the time. I say we the people should support Arizona’s state rights to the hilt. Next time it may be your state who is at risk. Right now this lovey-dovey, feel-good garbage that is being prattled about by people who don’t know and further don’t care is putting the entire nation at risk and aiding and abetting the terrorist community world wide.

Support your state rights, get with Arizona and support them post haste.

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