
Democrat deferments vs. Republican deferments

John Lilyea at the This ain’t Hell blog has a good point on comparing Democratic Senate hopeful Richard Blumenthal’s Vietnam deferments to those of Republican politicians:

But let’s look at how the Democrats have traditionally addressed deferments and service in the Reserves, shall we?. Dick Cheney had five deferments and we heard about for eight years. Blumenthal’s deferments were 1965 to 1970 – while we had combat troops in Vietnam. Cheney’s deferments were all before 1965, while there were no ground combat forces in Vietnam.

Dan Quayle got hammered during the GHW Bush years because his Vietnam Era time was spent in the Reserves like Blumenthal. GW Bush was a pilot in the Texas National Guard and we heard about it for eight years.

More recently, I wrote about Gordon Duff’s attack on SC Congressman Joe Wilson who had five deferments and served in the Guard and Reserves.

Now the Washington Post is reporting that the national Democrats are lining up behind Blumenthal…

At least Blumenthal served (Marine Corps Reserve) which is more than we can say for a lot of people. But why lie about fighting in Vietnam, especially in an age where your past can be dredged up in about 0.38 seconds on an internet search?

Being a Marine is honorable enough. Perhaps this is a case of someone who doesn’t know how to stop lying. And in that case, I think he will fit right in as a Senator.

One thought on “Democrat deferments vs. Republican deferments

  • Charles Curran

    He also says that he was ‘Captain’ of the swim team. There is record of him being on the swim team, let alone the ‘Captain’. Chris Shays is now saying that at many events that the two of them attended, he overheard him say that he had been ‘IN’ veitnam, and was about to tell him to stop.

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