Military Roundup

Military Roundup 12 May 2010

Photo of the Day: Thunderbirds perform the “Calypso Pass”

Afghanistan / Pakistan: U.S. military could begin awarding troops for “courageous restraint” (not taking action)

Reports of Mullah Omar capture sweep US

Massive drone strike in North Waziristan – at least 24 enemy fighters killed

Gas attack targets third girls’ school in Kunduz – at least 30 school girls poisoned in the attack, which was similar to the one that had been used at Khodeja-ul-Kubra and Fatima-tu-Zahara girls’ schools in Kunduz last month.

NATO has only seven months to take Kandahar from the Taliban

Iraq: Military reconsidering troop withdrawal pace following violence

Lebanon: Hezbollah prepared for war – “Allah willing, you will see the end of Israel”

Somalia: Pirates released by Russia ‘probably died’ according to source

Taiwan: US government isn’t releasing much-needed F-16 fighters to Taiwan – While the threat from China increases, the Obama administration maintains a hold on the fighters. Taiwan’s F-5 fleet is set to retire in 2014, and its Mirage fighters have high maintenance and have chronically low availability rates.

Japan: Cabinet discusses moving US Marine base in Okinawa

U.S.: WWI memorial cross stolen from Mojave National Preserve

After attack, U.S. considering placing Pakistani Taliban on terror list

Republished with permission of the Victory Institute

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