
Gates tells Congress not to take action on DADT

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates (unelected and unaccountable) has asked Congress (elected and accountable) not to take action on Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (DADT).

In a strongly worded letter, obtained by The Associated Press, Gates told a House committee on Friday that forcing policy changes on the military before it’s ready “would send a very damaging message to our men and women in uniform that in essence their views, concerns and perspectives do not matter.”

I would like to think that this means DADT isn’t going anywhere, but I guarantee that Gates is just stalling until an undefeatable PR campaign is rolled out in true Alinksy fashion – where opponents are instantly and inescapably marginalized as bigots.

Gates says he supports lifting the ban but first wants to survey the troops on how it should be done.

Notice: not whether it should be done, but how it should be done. None of the actively-serving members of the military that I know want DADT repealed. Why does he think the opponents will all of a sudden be “ready?”

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