Military Roundup

Military Roundup 27 Apr 2010

Photo of the Day: 30 years ago – RH-53D Sea Stallion helicopters from Operation Eagle Claw. More on the infamous operation here.

Afghanistan: Just how well does the “Look out, here we come” strategy (publicizing offensives weeks in advance) work in Afghanistan?

CIA ‘using smaller missiles against al-Qaeda to avoid civilian deaths’

Syrian Missile Crisis: Despite two UN resolutions calling for the disarmament of Hezbollah, Defense Secretary Robert Gates says, “Syria and Iran are providing Hezbollah with so many rockets that they are at a point where they have more missiles than most governments in the world.”

Trial delayed for jihadist recruiter shooting suspect

Controversy flares over ship named for Murtha

This Week in American Military History – from W. Thomas Smith, Jr.’s series at Human Events

Published with permission of the Victory Institute.

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