Military Roundup

Military Roundup 20 Apr 2010

Photo of the Day: Osprey’s stunning night takeoff

Iraq: US, Iraqi forces kill al Masri, Baghdadi – al Qaeda in Iraq’s top two leaders

AQI regional commander killed in another operation

Afghanistan: Karzai threatens to end Kandahar operation – remember that Karzai has threatened to join the Taliban.

The Sunday Times indicated that Mullah Omar, commander of the Taliban, no longer wishes to rule Afghanistan and is ready for peace talks. According to the paper’s U.S. military source, this signaled a “breakthrough.” However, according to the Long War Journal, the Taliban’s official spokesmen deny that the interview took place.

Obama administration says conflict with Karzai is resolved

Syrian Missile Crisis: US summons Syrian diplomat over missile transfers to Hezbollah

Iran: Former U.S. defense official: it may be too late to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapon. Says that Obama waited too long. But it’s shouldn’t be about placing blame – Bush could have done something, too. It should be about keeping Americans safe, which is our government’s primary responsibility – not healthcare, climate change, or bicycle paths.

Unclassified DoD report says Iranian missile may be able to hit U.S. by 2015

Admiral Mike Mullen to a Columbia University forum: “Iran getting a nuclear weapon would be incredibly destabilizing. Attacking them would also create the same kind of outcome…In an area that’s so unstable right now, we just don’t need more of that.”

Border: McCain, Kyl want U.S. troops on border – Remember, Obama has ignored multiple requests by Arizona’s governor to deploy state’s National Guard troops.

Military History: From a Midnight Ride to Doolittle’s Raid (From W. Thomas Smith, Jr.’s This Week in American Military History series)

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