
NSW’s Super Tucano

An Embrauer EMB-314 Super Tucano used by the Navy for trials as part of the classified "Imminent Fury" program to develop tactical intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance platform to support Special Operations personnel (Photo courtesy of

5 thoughts on “NSW’s Super Tucano

  • I think the navy should also look at the PZL Orlik–built in Poland. I redid an earlier one that is now in Civilian hands and it is a great a/c. PZL is a great manufactuer and the later Orliks would be a perfect trainer/COIN airplane to use in the same mission. Poland is also a great friend of the US. Lets work with people that are friendly to us and back our policy’s. Also the engines used are either P&W or GE owned Walters. The US electonics to be used, fits right in this a/c.

  • The Navy and any other branch should look at arming the turbo prop crop dusters used in agriculture. The would be ideal for this job and built in the U.S. to boot. That’s probably asking too much, though.

  • I’ve heard they’re looking at putting the OV-10 back into production, for this very purpose. I would imagine that would be quite an effort, though, as they haven’t been produced for a very long time.

  • Mat Snyder

    The Navy & Marine Corps retired their OV-10 Bronco fleet just before desert Storm….BIG mistake. IT took them this long to figure it out.
    Wonder if the AF & Army are just using helo’s for observation and FS spotting….?

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