Military Roundup

Military Roundup 15 Apr 2010

Photo of the Day: Navy eyeing Super Tucano for organic close air support aircraft of special operations forces

An Army Lieutenant Colonel is facing a court martial, having refused his deployment to Afghanistan until the President provides proof that he is Constitutionally eligible to serve.

According to, the New York Times is preparing to run a story publishing the names of covert operatives in Afghanistan

Iran touts advanced capabilities of new drones

Putin: Venezuela to spend over $5 billion on Russian weapons. Chavez intends to buy T-72 and T-90 tanks, anti-aircraft missile systems including the advanced S-300, and multiple-launch rocket systems. Venezuela has already purchased $4.4 billion in arms from Russia since 2005, and has a contract to produce Kalashnikovs under Russian license.

U.S. troops withdraw from Afghanistan’s “Valley of Death” Deemed a “realignment” by NATO while the Taliban claim victory.

U.S. troops headed home from Afghanistan stranded in Manas due to Kyrgyz unrest

The bodies of 31 South Korean sailors are recovered from the sunken Cheonan. 13 are still missing. An investigation is now underway to determine how the ship was destroyed.

Breaking protocol and tradition, the Navy has decided to name a San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock after the late John Murtha (all other San Antonio class ships are named after cities). I doubt any of the 700 Marines who will call the ship home will enjoy the assignment, and some have suggested that Murtha’s name would better be suited on a target practice trawler.

SEAL 3 Update: Bill honoring Navy SEALs lingers in sub-committee

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