Military Roundup

Military Roundup 13 Apr 2010

Photo of the Day: Marine Silent Drill at Lincoln Memorial

ROE Update: U.S. Representative Walter Jones is calling for hearings on the Rules of Engagement in Afghanistan. Rep. Jones’ district covers Camp Lejeune, N.C., and he says that active-duty Marines and the families of troops killed in combat contact him regularly about the issue. Jones says that the ROE “have proved too often to be fatal” to U.S. troops.

Navy sinks skiff, captures six pirates following battle in Gulf of Aden

IEDs in Afghanistan have doubled since last year

US special ops trainers playing expanded role in Pakistan – advising Frontier Corps along border wjth Afghanistan

Sources are saying that the Commanding General of U.S. Forces in Iraq, Gen. Ray Odierno will be succeeded by the end of Summer. Odierno is slated to take command of Joint Forces Command.

The first P-8A Poseidon aircraft arrived at NAS Patuxent River. The P-8 is to replace the aging P-3 Orion for patrol and reconnaissance duties.

Military History: From Andrews’ Raiders to the Escadrille Americaine (This Week in American Military History series by W. Thomas Smith, Jr.)

And in case you forgot, last Friday marked the seventh anniversary of the fall of Baghdad. From the Washington Post, 10 Apr 2003:

Swept aside by U.S. troops who drove through the streets of Baghdad, President Saddam Hussein’s government collapsed today, ending three decades of ruthless Baath Party rule that sought to make Iraq the champion of a modern Arab world but left a legacy of fear, poverty and bitterness.

As U.S. Army troops occupied the west bank of the Tigris River and U.S. Marines rolled into the eastern part of the city, facing only scattered resistance, thousands of Baghdad residents poured into the streets to celebrate the government’s defeat and welcome the U.S. forces in scenes of thanks and jubilation…

With the rage of grievances accumulated over a lifetime, members of the crowd beat the fallen statue with sledgehammers, rocks, chains and their feet. Some slapped their shoes on it. Others made off with its head, dragging it through the streets.

“It was a strong statue,” said Stefan Abu George as he watched the scene unfold. “It’s not strong anymore.”

Down the street, crowds greeted U.S. troops with flowers, candy and, occasionally, kisses.

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