Military Roundup

Military Roundup

Photo of the Day: The USS Independence sailed from Mobile Bay on her maiden voyage on 26 Mar 2010. This Independence is the seventh so-named vessel in America’s history.

Record-breaking participation for the Bataan Memorial Death March (If you want an example of REAL atrocities, look no further than the Imperial Japanese)

Afghanistan: Gen. Stanley McChrystal has ordered the closure of morale, welfare, and recreation facilities to pay for the troop level increase.

U.S. combat deaths in Afghanistan for the last three months are roughly double that of the same period last year according to the Associated Press. Honor the Fallen.

Meanwhile, U.S. troops will march in Russia’s Red Square in May.

Guantanamo Bay: A recently released GTMO inmate has joined the Taliban according to a U.S. counterterrrorism official.

A federal judge released GTMO detainee Mohamedou Slahi –  core member of the 9/11 attacks, recruiter of Muhammad Atta, and the man who activated the Canadian cell responsible for the Millenium Plot. Andrew McCarthy’s analysis at National Review

Israel/Gaza: Two Israeli soldiers were killed and one remains in serious condition after fighting with Palestinian militants in Gaza on Friday. IDF forces witnessed armed men planting explosives along the border fence. Hamas, the Popular Resistance Committees, Islamic Jihad, and the al Aqsa Martyr’s Brigades claim to have engaged in the fighting. Over the last few days, Israel has conducted air strikes in retaliation for multiple rocket attacks from Gaza. Friday’s clashes are the fiercest fighting since January 2009.

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