
Index of Economic Freedom

The Heritage Foundation/Wall Street Journal’s 2010 Index of Economic Freedom is out, and things are looking bad for the U.S..

Maybe if we had a free media, they could ask the president why we aren’t taking steps to move our nation towards #1. But that’s definitely not going to happen as they are far more concerned with Obama’s “legacy” than they are with freedom.

Hong Kong and Singapore have consistently placed #1 and #2 respectively since the index began in 1995. At that time, the U.S. was the world’s fourth-most free economy – our all-time highest ranking. Today we are a dismal eighth, one spot below Canada.

How is it that we are less free than Canada? Perhaps we should send them our Statue of Liberty as apparently Canada is a better place to for the tired, the poor, and huddled masses to “breathe free.” By the way, the Canadian dollar is about to become more valuable than the American dollar.

How far the mighty have fallen.

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