
Just how much is a trillion?

As I write this, the U.S. national debt is 12,385,926,000 and counting. And when watching the debt clock, the millions digit goes about as fast as the dollar when you are pumping gas.

So in order to understand how much a trillion actually is – let alone 12 trillion – let’s put this into perspective.

Having done all the calculations myself, I then came across, an amazing website that had apparently already done all the work far better than I could. And for my fellow critical thinkers, you can even verify their findings.

But it took from George Washington to Ronald Reagan before our debt reached $1 trillion. Now it’s over $12. Our society won’t last long if our politicians keep spending money that we don’t really have.

Of all the incredible things they put up, what really gets me is that if I spent $10 million dollars a DAY, it would still take me 273 YEARS to spend one trillion dollars. And that’s without a few trillion dollars of revenue coming in each year. Knowing that, how in the hell has Congress managed to spend $12 trillion dollars more than what taxpayers already give them???

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