National Security

New Evidence of Saddam-bin Laden Connection

We didn’t invade Iraq because of 9/11 and we didn’t invade because of Saddam’s connections to Islamic terrorists. But he was connected. And many don’t realize, but we had been authorized to attack Iraq previously by Congress.

Ryan Mauro writes at Pajamas Media:

The lead prosecutor of Saddam Hussein, Ja’far al-Musawi, says that he has seen official documents that prove that his regime was involved with Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri. Last year, a Kurdish newspaper published an Iraqi intelligence document from 2002 referencing a proposed meeting with al-Zawahiri to discuss a “revenge operation” against Saudi Arabia at Saddam Hussein’s request. If previous ties had not been maintained and if there was such hostility between the secularist government of Saddam and al-Qaeda as is assumed, such a plan would never have been hatched by Saddam or been acted upon by his intelligence service.

A source at the Iraq Memory Foundation, which is going through thousands of files to document Saddam Hussein’s reign, has reported that they have seen documents showing a link between Saddam and al-Qaeda.

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