Military History

Al Gore in Vietnam?

Al Gore in Vietnam, 1971.
Al Gore in Vietnam, 1971.

Hey, genius! You point the rifle at the enemy, not yourself!

But as it turns out, Al Gore – not Eugene Stoner – invented the M-16 after all.

And firing a weapon increases your carbon footprint, so Gore was traveling sans-magazine. Hard work also increases your carbon footprint, of which Gore did none.

But in all fairness, he did serve, unlike most of his Harvard classmates.

2 thoughts on “Al Gore in Vietnam?

  • Reminds me of the Creedence Clearwater Revival song “Fortunate Son:” You ain’t no senator’s son. However screwy his time in the service may have been (think George W. Bush), at least he served. Seems everyone else in serving in Washington today found a way out of Vietnam.

  • gary herrmann

    I have been trying now for over 10 years to find a picture of Al Gore in his Army dress uniform,after he got home from Vietnam.The reasion for my quest is to see if Al Gore is “sporting” the “Vietnam Campaign Medal” !!.As most of us old Vets know,inorder to be awarded this Medal a person needed to serve “no less than 6 months” in country,VietNam,Thailand,Cambodia or Laos.Between March 1,1961 to March 28,1973.
    Or if a person was to have wounds to severe to return to combat no matter how long you were incountry.Now if Al has this VietNam Medal issued by the country of South VietNam then I would say he has some explaining ta do??.
    Also why did he reallllllllllllly go in as a “Private”.at that time the Army and Marines needed Officers BAD!!!.Why did he join as a reserve ?,I think it was because an Officer would have a 4 year active duty commentment,that was a little to much for old Al!!!!.
    Now what did he do with the rest of his 4 years as an “ACTIVE RESERVEST” time ???.He falls off the map.I joined the Marines March 1967,I was told at the time 4 years active duty and “2 years inactive reserve”,OR 2 years active duty and “4 years active reserve”!!.That was it.The army (I was told)had the same thing??.I know he went to school but he already had his BS when he went in the Army(OFFICER STUFF).Why would his 4 years disapear??.can some one answere these questions I have.I hope so.I am sure I am the one with the problem here??.
    Thank you RSVP “PLEASE”

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