
On Afghanistan, Washington has no clue

At Jihad Watch, Robert Spencer makes the point that I have been making for years:

“there is no clear mission in Afghanistan, no clear idea of victory, and no understanding of the jihad doctrine that motivates not only the Taliban but others in Afghanistan — and all that is a recipe for disaster.”

I don’t believe in calling a war “Bush’s” or “Obama’s.” But with the exception of the initial phase where the military kicked the Taliban out of power, the handling of the war by both administrations has been feckless, although considerably more so under the current administration, which is more concerned with matters like the Olympics and cannot be bothered by trivial things like war. Thanks to this style of leadership Afghanistan is starting to look a lot more like it did in September 2001. This is humiliating because I thought this used to be the United States of America.

The jihadis started this war, and either Washington pulls its head out of… the sand – and starts fighting to win, or we become the Islamic Republic of Amrikistan. It’s that simple.

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