
Obama adviser defends Shariah Law

Hizb ut-Tahrir flyer depicting a beheaded Statue of Liberty and the New York skyline on fire.
Hizb ut-Tahrir flyer depicting a beheaded Statue of Liberty and the New York skyline on fire.

Dalia Mogahed, the White House adviser on Muslim affairs, appeared on an British television show that was hosted by a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT), an Islamic supremacist group who calls for the destruction of capitalism and the establishment of and Islamic caliphate ruled by Shariah law.

In July, HT – which has been labeled as a terrorist group by Russia and banned by numerous other countries (although not the U.S.) – held a conference in a suburb of Chicago entitled “The Fall of Capitalism and the Rise of Islam,” where the group condemned democracy and promoted a global Islamic caliphate.

“The portrayal of Sharia has been oversimplified in many cases,” said Mogahed during the interview.

The problem isn’t bigotry and small-mindedness, it’s that Shariah law is barbaric. Among numerous other unpleasantries, Shariah law commands that adulterers are to be stoned to death. Problem is according to Shariah Law, rape is also considered adultery. Does Mogahed tacitly approve of the stoning of little girls being stoned to death after having been gang-raped by Muslim men? It happens.

“The majority of women around the world associate gender justice, or justice for women, with sharia compliance,” said Mogahed.

Really? It is worth pointing out then that a woman’s testimony does not count in Shariah. And only eye-witness testimony is considered, not actual evidence.

This may be an “oversimplified” statement, but Shariah also calls for female genital mutilation. Homosexuals are also stoned to death. Plus in Taliban-controlled areas, women are not allowed to buy cucumbers in markets, and are brutally murdered for merely attending school.

How exactly is this “justice for women,” Miss Mogahed? And how on earth do we have White House officials interacting and agreeing with a group that seeks the destruction of our society?

Perhaps “gender justice” means something altogether different to Mogahed: During HT’s July conference, the group distributed pamphlets which condemned “Women’s groups engaged in gender equality campaigns.” She did not challenge any of HT’s platform during the interview, so that is entirely possible.

Barack Obama is all about Muslim outreach, but the Muslims he reaches out to are quite troublesome. Mazen Asbahi, his Muslim Outreach adviser, had to step down last year due to his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and their Palestinian chapter – the terrorist group Hamas. But Mogahed’s interaction with a group that openly admits that they would replace the Constitution with Shariah law merits a much closer inspection of her background.

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