
Soros-linked groups helped draft Counterinsurgency Field Manual

In October of 2001, the U.S. military and Northern Alliance drove the Taliban from power in a matter of days.  Eight years later, the Taliban is coming back into power and – let’s face it – our military is retreating.

Not to the discredit of the great men and women of our armed forces, mind you. Despite Washington’s best efforts, they have held off the Taliban for this long. They have done everything that they could do and then some. But why are we losing Afghanistan?

I could name several reasons, but one in particular is our misguided philosophy for conducting war. The Counterinsurgency Field Manual (FM 3-24) teaches our troops how to combat terrorists by resembling something closer to community organizers than warfighters. Unfortunately, flushing toilets and highways  courtesy of the U.S. military doesn’t have the devastating effect on the Taliban and al Qaeda that the authors of FM 3 -24 intended.

Or does it?

Through John Nagl of the Center for a New American Security – a left-leaning think tank established by John Podesta – we learn (see video below) that two George Soros-linked groups helped draft FM 3-24: Human Rights Watch and the Carr Center for Human Rights. The Human Rights Watch has long been a benefactor of Soros’ Open Society Institute (OSI), and the Carr Center is linked to OSI as well.

When a group receiving money from Soros has a hand in setting our defense policy, that is a sure loss for the good guys.

After reading the manual in 2007, I thought it made sense. A little counterinsurgency (COIN) coupled with some serious firepower from our military would make fast work of naughty jihadis, and our troops could come home victorious. Ideally the surviving jihadis would return to their caves and wait another century or two before trying world domination again. But I did not foresee COIN all but replacing warfighting altogether.

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Lt. Col. John Nagl
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