
Muslim Brotherhood pays for Ellison’s trip to Mecca

America's first Muslim congressman swearing in on the Qur'an
America's first Muslim congressman swearing in on the Qur'an

Why should we be concerned that the Muslim American Society paid $13,350 for Rep. Keith Ellison’s religious pilgrimage to Mecca?

Because the MAS is the Muslim Brotherhood, a group that wants to destroy America from within.

The Muslim Brotherhood “must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

In case you didn’t know, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestinian chapter is HAMAS.

The Star Tribune reports:

Under ethics guidelines, privately sponsored trips of a purely personal nature are considered gifts, and are subject to full public disclosure. Such trips have become more frequent since 2007, when new ethics legislation barred lobbyists from sponsoring trips for members of Congress.

Tony Sutton, chairman of the Minnesota Republican Party, pointed out:

“Since there are rules against nonprofit religious groups furthering the ‘private interests’ of individuals, Ellison needs to explain how this private trip was reported to the IRS.”

Ellison maintains that he didn’t do anything wrong, and then painted those who seek full disclosure as making an improper “moral judgment” and displaying “bias.”

He also claims that the trip was private, and as such, the congressman does not have to disclose details. However, House ethics officials noted that Ellison’s original itinerary indicated he might add “meetings of an official nature, such as with government or business leaders.”

Once again, a Democrat is at odds with the rules. Problem is – this time, an Islamic group that wants to undermine our civilization is footing the bill.

The US Report has more.

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