
Save the president? What about the troops?

Following a screening of the anti-war documentary “Saving Afghanistan,” Rep. Donna Edwards (D-Md.) – the vice chair of the socialist-linked Congressional Progressive Caucus – remarked that anti-war Democrats “may have to save this president from himself on Afghanistan.”

Save the president? What about the troops? What about the mission?

Democrats like Edwards may view the disaster in Afghanistan as a threat to Obama, but the reality is that it poses a far greater threat to the troops who are dying unnecessarily due to feckless rules of engagement.

What would “save the president” (as well as the troops and mission) is if Obama would allow our military to be a military and cease being community organizers. We went in to Afghanistan to defeat the Taliban and other al Qaeda-associated movements and deny them the ability to produce more terrorist attacks. Not to paint schools, make sure the toilets flush, and ensure the trains run on time. And turning Afghanistan into a Jeffersonian democracy was certainly not part of the strategy.

Afghanistan is not worth one American life. It has been this way since Moses was a corporal, and no amount of hope-and-change or politically-correct counterinsurgency strategy will change that.

We need to finish what we set out to do, and bring the troops home. That would benefit everyone, including the president.

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