
What is this company and who are their ‘prisoners?’

The rural town of Hardin, Montana has built a prison, but long story short, is not getting any prisoners. The bills are about to come due – prisoners or not. So this company called American Police Force (APF) rides to the rescue.

Trouble is, no one has ever heard of the APF. They say they are an overseas contractor, but there are no records. They say that they are a spin off of a parent company, but won’t say who the parent company is. They say that the prisoners will come from California, but California says they aren’t.

The whole thing stinks. Hopefully it is some kind of scam, but we’ll just have to see.

Read more in the Missoulian

One thought on “What is this company and who are their ‘prisoners?’

  • Why are they using the Serbian coat of arms as their symbol, if they claim to be American? Are they Serbian mercenaries?

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