
Rules of Engagement kill 4 Marines in Afghanistan

Four U.S. Marines were killed in action following implementation of new politically-correct rules of engagement in Afghanistan. Despite assurances from Gen. McChrystal and top military officials that air and artillery support would be used when U.S. troops were threatened, commanders denied repeated calls for support from the unit. Eight Afghan soldiers and police and an interpreter were also killed in the firefight.

From the Straits Times (Singapore):

A team of Marines made repeated appeals for air and artillery support after coming under fire in the village of Ganjgal in eastern Kunar province on Tuesday, McClatchy newspapers reported.

US commanders declined the request for artillery fire, citing new rules that seek to minimize civilian casualties, a McClatchy journalist accompanying the American unit reported.

Air power, in the form of helicopters, only arrived after more than an hour ‘despite earlier assurances that air cover would be five minutes away,’ McClatchy’s Jonathan Landay wrote.

Once again we see that politicians in Washington have become a bigger obstacle to victory than the actual enemies themselves.  This is no way to conduct a war.

2 thoughts on “Rules of Engagement kill 4 Marines in Afghanistan

  • gary b dawson

    FOOLS OF ENGAGEMENT WHY WERE NOT ALLOWED TO KILL BAD GUYS/authored by Uncle Sam’s misguided children /published by devil dog press

  • gary b dawson

    to ask one to give and than give up ,kill our enemy without asaying sorry we were always trained never to fight a fair fight

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