
USS Ohio trades nukes for SEALs

Due to a 1992 treaty, the Navy had to remove the nuclear missiles from four of its 18 ICBM- equipped subs. Little did the Russians know that we would trade the nukes for something even more deadly – Navy SEALs (and about 100 conventional cruise missiles). The sub allows SEALs to be stealthily inserted most anywhere, and the Cruise missile capabilities make this platform unstoppable! has more here.

Crew members prepare on the USS Ohio, U.S. Navy's newest billion-dollar submarine before its maiden voyage off Guam Sunday, Feb. 3, 2008. Seen at left is a dry dock from which a small submersible is launched. (AP Photo/Eric Talmadge)
Crew members prepare on the USS Ohio, U.S. Navy's newest billion-dollar submarine before its maiden voyage off Guam Sunday, Feb. 3, 2008. Seen at left is a dry dock from which a small submersible is launched. (AP Photo/Eric Talmadge)

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