
ACLU photographing Covert CIA Operatives

How on earth is the ACLU photographing Covert CIA Operatives?

Remember the outrage from the left and the media when the Bush administration supposedly ‘outed’ CIA officer Valerie Plame? Although Americans who are risking their lives to keep us safe at home could very likely die horrible deaths due to the actions of the ACLU and others, I seriously doubt that this outrageous event will illicit so much as a yawn from the  media and the left.

From the Washington Post:

Investigators are looking into allegations that laws protecting classified information were breached when three lawyers showed their clients the photographs, the sources said. The lawyers were apparently attempting to identify CIA officers and contractors involved in the agency’s interrogation of al-Qaeda suspects in facilities outside the United States, where the agency employed harsh techniques.

Techniques that Nancy Pelosi and Congress likely approved…

If detainees at the U.S. military prison in Cuba are tried, either in federal court or by a military commission, defense lawyers are expected to attempt to call CIA personnel to testify.

If the Obama administration is serious about effectively ending our ability to collect intelligence in order to keep American families safe, calling covert CIA operatives to the stand is a good way to do it.

The photos were taken by researchers hired by the John Adams Project, a joint effort of the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, to support military counsel at Guantanamo Bay, according to the sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the inquiry. It was unclear whether the Justice Department is also examining those organizations.

Both groups have long said that they will zealously investigate the CIA’s interrogation program at “black sites” worldwide as part of the defense of their clients. But government investigators are now looking into whether the defense team went too far by allegedly showing the detainees the photos of CIA officers, in some cases surreptitiously taken outside their homes.

Our own government and in this case the ACLU are a far larger threat to our nation’s security than our enemies ever could be.

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