
Obama “bearing false witness”

Barack Obama appeared on a radio program sponsored by church groups in which the president called the “misinformation” (read – doing things like quoting the text and repeating things Obama has said in the past) as “bearing false witness.”

Obama then turned around and made a claim that has repeatedly shown to be a lie.

From McClatchy:

He said the first thing he wanted to correct was the idea that the proposed overhaul would force some people into different health care plans. “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan,” he said, repeating one of his stock lines.

That’s not true, however, according to FactCheck.org, an independent truth squad run by the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania.

“He can’t make that promise to everyone,” concluded FactCheck’s analysis, one of several that point out that the Democrats’ health care plan could lead to employers switching plans, and thus forcing their employees into different plans and perhaps to different doctors.

“Under the House bill,” FactCheck said, “some employers might have to modify plans after a five-year grace period if they don’t meet minimum benefits standards.

“Furthermore, some firms are likely to buy different coverage for their workers than they have now, or simply drop coverage and pay a penalty instead, leaving workers to buy their own private coverage or go on a new federal insurance plan.”

The Heritage Foundation’s project “Fix Health Care Policy” has some excellent videos debunking the taxpayer-funded lies from the White House.

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