
Pelosi: Town Hall Protests are ‘Un-American’

Back in 2006, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that she was a “fan of disruptors.”

If that is true (truth has proven to be quite elusive to Speaker Pelosi), she should have much to cheer for: It appears that “disruptors” have forced the hand of Washington to take a step back from Obama’s socialized healthcare program – or at the least come up with a more misleading plan.

But the truth is that Democrats like Pelosi only favor “disruptions” when they are to the benefit of the Democrat Party.

Case in point: Pelosi has called the town hall protests “un-American” and “an ugly campaign… to misrepresent health insurance reform legislation” and to “disrupt civil dialogue.”

Naked Emperor News has a great video here showing the hypocrisy of Nancy Pelosi when it comes to free speech.

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