
Conyers: What good is it to read the bill?

Referring to the massive socialized healthcare bill, Congressman John Conyers (D-MI) told members of the National Press Club: “I love these members that get up and say, ‘read the bill.’ What good is it to read the bill when it’s a thousand pages, and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you’ve read the bill?”


Are you the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, or an innocent bystander, Conyers?

Who is it that determines that the House has only two days to read a bill anyways?

Isn’t the job of the Congressman to read the bill he or she is voting on? God doesn’t write these bills, people do. If the bill is  too complex, if you only have two days to read the bill, vote against it. This is as absurd as a firefighter saying “I love these citizens that get in my face and say, ‘save my baby.'”

When someone says something like that, they don’t deserve to be a Congressman, or a firefighter, any more.

John Conyers’ contact info:
Washington Office: 202-225-5126
Detroit Office: 313-961-5670
Trenton / Downriver Office: 734-675-4084

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