

MSNBC commentator Ed Schultz (whom I have never heard of previously) took to insulting Americans opposed to Obama’s socialist healthcare policy (video here).

ED SCHULTZ: Oh, there’s a lot going on.  Tonight: it’s an uprising! Angry old white folks are storming into town halls all across the country spewing lies about health care reform.  Let me set the record straight early on: these folks, I think, they’re dumber than Joe the Plumber.
. . .

SCHULTZ: Mr. President, you have the people behind you. I’ve done enough of these [town halls] to know that there’s a fraction of Americans out there who are, you know, the old right wing, they’re playing on the old, angry white uneducated misinformed Americans to go out there and carry the torch in the Republican party right now.  To shake it up to defeat.  That’s why they use “failure.” This is how they’re trying to generate it!

We must be pretty effective if they are attacking us in this manner.

Can you imagine the fallout if Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck talked about liberal protesters (think ACORN) in this manner? Networks would be apologizing, pressure would be put on advertisers to pull from the shows (and a few always seem to), and in Rush’s case, Congress would get involved.

If a Fox News host said that “poor angry black folks with ACORN are once again using mob-style tactics and spewing their lies…”  the program would end right there, and so would the career of the host. There might be race riots. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that it would be the end of Fox thanks to government action. But this Schultz clown gets away with insulting people who exercise their constitutional right to assemble peaceably?

Specifically what “lies” are we “old, angry white uneducated misinformed Americans” spewing, Schultz? Always attacking the messenger, but never the message.

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