
Iranian Plane Crash was IRGC Operation Gone Wrong

Iranians gather at the edge of a crater at the crash site of the Caspian Airlines plane, which fell into farmland near the city of Qazvin.
Iranians gather at the edge of a crater at the crash site of the Caspian Airlines plane, which fell into farmland near the city of Qazvin.

The Iranian plane that crashed two weeks ago, claiming 168 lives, was reportedly caused by explosives headed for Hezbollah according to the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera.

While en route to Armenia, a Caspian Airlines Tupolev Tu-154 crashed 16 minutes after takeoff, but eyewitnesses to the accident say that they could hear explosions in the aircraft before the it crashed. Lebanese sources said that cases of sophisticated detonators and electrical instrumentation had been loaded on the plane, destined for the Hezbollah. The detonators were to have found their way to the terrorist army via Armenia, Turkey, and Syria before arriving in Lebanonin order to avoid drawing attention.

Members of the Iranian Revolutionary  Guards Corps were accompanying the flight. Reportedly, a large number of security forces were at the scene of the crash shortly after the crash.

Originally, the detonators were destined for Southern Lebanon, but due to the July14 warehouse explosion, they were to be diverted to a facility north of the Litani river.

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