
Is the Media starting to wake up?

On Wednesday, Obama was pitching his socialist healthcare program in a town hall meeting when a cancer patient told her story of her difficulties under the current system. After an emotional Debby Smith described how she was unable to get treatment or hold a job, Obama hugged Smith and told her he would do what he could to help “immediately.”

Our prayers for a full recovery for Smith.

The Associated Press has outed Smith as “a volunteer for Organizing for America, Obama’s political operation within the Democratic National Committee” who “obtained her ticket through the White House.”

Philip Klein writes at the American Spectator:

The town hall meeting itself was highly orchestrated — with a small number in attendance and online questions being screened by the White House.


During the session, Obama received questions from an advocate of a socialized, or single-payer health care, a representative of the liberal activist group Health Care for Americans Now, and a member of the Service Employees International Union.

Even veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas was upset with the White House propaganda, telling Press Secretary Robert Gibbs that Obama’s  “formal engagements are pre-packaged.”

Gibbs was already being questioned by CBS correspondent Chip Reid when Thomas chimed in. Before being interrupted by the press secretary – who was clearly mocking the 89-year-old correspondent – she said “I’m amazed at you people who call for openness and transparency.”

“What the hell do they think we are, puppets?” Thomas said in an interview with Cybercast News Service.

“Nixon didn’t try to do that,” Thomas added. “They couldn’t control (the media). They didn’t try.”

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