
Where’s the Billboards?

A fourth outdoor advertising company has banned World Net Daily’s “Where’s the Birth Certificate” billboard campaign – asking our president to produce his real birth certificate, not the Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) that his people claim is his birth certificate (If you think his COLB counts, try registering your children in Little League using one).

“Something tells me this eligibility campaign really struck a nerve in Washington at the headquarters of the [Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA)],” said Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND and the initiator of billboard effort. “Keep in mind, this organization has not yet commented on the hullabaloo over the Calvin Klein billboard in New York City. As far as I know, the OAAA did nothing to prevent that tasteless and immoral outdoor advertising from being shown to millions. The OAAA has been silent about campaigns supported by its members questioning the very existence of God. Yet, ask a question about Obama’s birth certificate and you suddenly represent a threat to all that is good and decent.”

Read more at World Net Daily

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