
People NOT banned by Britain’s Home Secretary

The radical Muslim preacher Abu Izzadeen was released from prison along with several of his “associates” on Saturday in Britain. Izzadeen was arrested following his calls for Muslims serving in the British army to be beheaded. In fact, Izzadeen only served 3 1/2 years of his 4 1/2 year sentence before being released.

In 2006, The Times reported (emphasis mine):

The Times has obtained transcripts of Omar Brooks, now known as Abu Izzadeen, preaching holy war and discussing killing Tony Blair in a recent sermon in London. Abu Izzadeen had previously described the July 7 bombings as “completely praiseworthy” and organised demonstrations in support of the September 11 hijackers.

Dhimmi Watch has more on Izzadeen here.

Now British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith just banned Michael Savage for what she called “fomenting hatred”. But a Muslim “preacher” who openly calls for the beheading of British soldiers, killing of government officials, and supports terrorist attacks that killed thousands of innocent civilians however, gets an early release. What is wrong with this picture?

At least one British official gets it – from The Telegraph:

Douglas Murray, director of the Centre for Social Cohesion, said the men were a danger to society.

“Abu Izzadeen and his organisation publicly call for attacks against those whom they see as enemies of Islam,” he said.

“Their ideology not only glorifies violent jihad but teaches their followers that taking part in suicide bombings is their duty as Muslims.

“The early release of a hate preacher like Abu Izzadeen demonstrates that the British courts are still far away from understanding the very clear and present danger that this country is facing from militant Islamists.”

Almost 1 in 10 London residents now are Muslim. Gotta keep them happy, right Jacqui?

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