
Savage’s response to the UK ban

In response to being banned from entering the U.K., U.S. talk radio host Michael Savage said his initial reaction was: “Darn! And I was just planning a trip to England for their superior dental work and cuisine.”

“When has this witch heard my show, since it’s not syndicated in England? When has this witch listened to my program in England? And which show or shows is she referring to?” Savage said.

“My talk neither tolerates or encourages acts of violence, and yet it has been placed at the same level as those who have committed murder and acts of terrorism. And that shows you just how far England has fallen,” Savage said.

“How can a nation put me on a list and leave hate preachers in England who say that we’re going to kill all of you? We’re going to convert all of you to Islam. How is it possible that those hate preachers can’t be deported from Britain, but I can be banned from Britain? People who advocate actual murder cannot be deported from Britain,” Savage said.

“I want to sue the British home secretary for defamation,” he said, “for linking me up with murderers because of my opinions, my writings, my speaking – none of which have advocated any violence, ever.”

Savage says he has seven lawyers working on this, and plans to sue Home Secretary Jacqui Smith.

The U.K. Telegraph has more on the barring of U.S. radio host Michael Savage today.

Home Office officials say Michael Savage, real name Michael Weiner, holds abhorrent views on immigration, Islam, rape and autism, which have caused great offence in America. That may be so. But are we now banning people because we don’t like what they think or say; or are we accepting that anyone who responds violently to a view of which they disapprove can effectively veto other people’s right to free speech?

Do you see what is going on? And it’s not just the U.K., folks. Everything is happening simultaneously across the globe. Michael Savage’s views are not inline with the British government, so he is not allowed entry into the country. I don’t like using the slippery slope argument, but if one studies human nature when it comes to power – you know what’s coming. The next step will be that the British people will not be able to listen to Michael Savage, and that will be a decision that the government did not want to do, but in the end, it was only in the best interests of the people.

Then the only media the British people will have access to will be state-approved if not run. Then dissenting voices that speak the truth about Islam and critical of illegal immigration will no longer be heard. Public opinion will slowly but surely turn to the state. And everything that is happening in Europe will eventually find it’s way here, especially with Obama in the White House.

This is why we must oppose any manifestation of the Fairness Doctrine. We are not free people if we do not have free airwaves.

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