National SecurityPolitics

Right Wing Extremism

This is a transcript of the Unto the Breach program. Click here for the audio.

A lot has happened since I last signed off. Most notable in my mind is the so-called threat of “Rightwing Extremism.”

First, Missouri’s Information Analysis Center released a report in February called the “Modern Militia Movement.” Missouri law enforcement officials were supposed to be on the lookout for citizens with Ron Paul bumper stickers or people who oppose the North American Union. I suppose they figure anyone in those categories would likely be in a militia.

Remember, Missouri is the state that brought you the goon – I mean truth squads. Missouri sheriffs and prosecutors organized to intimidate anyone with lawsuits who would dare run what they called “misleading television ads” that were critical of the Obama campaign.

Fortunately after the public backlash, Missouri scrapped the memo – which was only discovered when a law enforcement official leaked it to Alex Jones – and then Missouri sacked the head of MIAC.

Next, Janet Napolitano and the Department of Homeland Security released “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment”, a report similar to the MIAC report, only this one contained more demonization of our troops who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Disgusting. Her half-hearted non-apology to the troops didn’t help either. In fact, Napolitano didn’t apologize to all of the other Americans she profiled in the report.

Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas Moore Law Center writes:

“Janet Napolitano is lying to the American people when she says the Report is not based on ideology or political beliefs. In fact, her report would have the admiration of the Gestapo and any current or past dictator in the way it targets political opponents. This incompetently written intelligence assessment, which directs law enforcement officials across the country to target and report on American citizens who have the political beliefs mentioned in the report, will be used as a tool to stifle political opposition and opinions. It will give a pretext for opponents of those Americans to report them to police as rightwing extremists and terrorists. You can imagine what happens then.”

The Report specifically mentions the following political beliefs that law enforcement should use to determine whether someone is a “rightwing extremist”:

  • Opposes abortion
  • Opposes restrictions on firearms
  • Opposes lax immigration
  • Opposes the policies of President Obama regarding immigration, citizenship, and the expansion of social programs
  • Opposes continuation of free trade agreements
  • Opposes same-sex marriage
  • Has paranoia of foreign regimes
  • Fear of Communist regimes
  • Opposes one world government
  • Bemoans the decline of U.S. stature in the world.
  • Upset with loss of U.S. manufacturing jobs to China and India

And the list goes on. Do you see where this is going? If you don’t like communism, you are now considered a threat. Can you imagine Reagan releasing a report saying if you don’t support my policies, you are a threat and a potential terrorist?

Although Napolitano fully supported the document, and called criticism “political spinning” and said the the findings were taken out of context (see the context for yourself), it is fair to mention that the document appears to have been created in January of 2007, while George Bush was still in office. Another report was originated the same day as the Rightwing report entitled “Leftwing Extremists Likely to Increase Use of Cyber Attacks over the Coming Decade” so there’s your helping of fair and balanced for the day. But both were revised and released during the Obama Administration.

Interestingly enough, after the DHS report was released – just in time for the nationwide Tax Day Tea Parties – snipers were spotted on rooftops, monitoring the peaceful protests. Uncle Sam isn’t worried about HAMAS and Hezbollah terrorists (who are infiltrating our country at a disturbing rate), or Leftwing ecoterrorists who conspire to kill Americans, he is more concerned with red-blooded working class Americans carrying signs that say “Don’t Tax Me Bro!”

Just think: If one were to replace the words “Obama Administration” with “King George”, America would already have declared independence, but I digress.

By the way, what problems arose from the thousands of simultaneous demonstrations with a million-plus American patriots? Nothing, apart from a saboteur reportedly tossing a package over the White House fence, putting an end to the D.C. Tea Party. Certainly no $21 million dollar cleanup bill for the Obama inauguration.

And for the record, I am against any unconstitutional profiling of American citizens, whether they are Right- or Leftwingers.

Couple these reports with the 2008 FBI intel assessment “White Supremacist Recruitment of Military Personnel since 9/11” and becomes clear who the primary threat to government is. And while I am at it, I am against supremacism in any form – regardless of religion, color, or creed. At least the FBI admitted that they were only “moderately” confident in their report. The other reports were just meaningless supposition in my humble opinion.

Now you may be asking yourself: Where was the ACLU for this most egregious violation of American civil rights? I suppose they were probably too busy worrying if America violated the (non-existent) civil rights of GITMO terrorists… or is it detainees… what does the Obama Administration permit us to call terrorists nowadays?

The good news is the Thomas Moore Law Center has filed a lawsuit against Napolitano on behalf of Iraq war veteran Kevin Murray, talk show host Michael Savage, and a president of a pro-life organization for violating their First and Fifth Amendment rights. We’ll keep you posted here on Unto the Breach.

There may be rightwing extremists (I am not saying there aren’t), but I would be much more comfortable surrounded by white Christians who supported gun rights, American sovereignty, opposed abortion, and voted for Ron Paul than I would say, in one of the 35 Jamaat ul-Fuqra terrorist training camps in the United States (which strangely are not mentioned in any of the above documents).

But that’s just me.

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