
Obama has Georgetown cover Christian symbols before speech

According to exit polls, Catholics favored Obama over McCain in the 2008 election by nine points. That’s despite being urged by the church to vote for pro-life candidates (one would be hard-pressed to find a less pro-life politician than Obama).

On Tuesday, Obama gave Catholics another good reason to question the logic of their decision.

Prior to Obama’s speech at Georgetown University (a Catholic institution) the White House told the university to cover any religious signs or symbols according to CNS That included the “IHS” (represents Jesus Christ) monogram inscribed on the pediment behind where Obama spoke, which was covered with painted plywood.

What would make this less noteworthy is if the Obama administration was consistent in their treatment of religions. That is not the case. Just this month, Obama visited the Blue Mosque in Istanbul. No religious signs or symbols were covered, and in fact, Obama honored Islamic customs by walking barefoot through the mosque.

2 thoughts on “Obama has Georgetown cover Christian symbols before speech

  • Our President needs to learn a basic rule of being an adult. It is true when handling our children and is also needed in our relationships with each other. Consistency in dealings with all people. If we cover a religious artifact at one location it should be done at all locations. Do not be a hypocrite.

  • Obama: There can only be one, ‘One’.

    Some people have argued that Obama does not want to use religion to further a political ideology. However, Obama did evoke the Sermon on the Mount, at this Georgetown appearance, to further his economic agenda. Although Obama failed to mention Jesus Christ by name for the Sermon on the Mount.

    “There is a parable at the end of the Sermon on the Mount that tells a story of two men…‘the rain descended and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house…it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock,’” Obama said.

    “We cannot rebuild this economy on the same pile of sand,” he added. “We must build our house upon a rock.”

    The last statement is particularly ironic since building your house upon a ‘ROCK‘ means to build your house with Christ as the foundation. Obama decided to blot out the real foundation from the timeless parable.

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