
Reporter questions Gibbs on Obama’s bow to Saudi King

Watch this video showing White House press secretary Robert Gibbs answering a tough question from CNN’s Dan Lothian on Obama’s bow to Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah.


Here’s the transcript:

LOTHIAN: When the President met with King Abdullah, there was something that took place which I believe the White House explained was just the president being taller than the king. We took a look at the video, and it does appear that the president actually bowed to King Abdullah. Did he bow or didn’t he?

GIBBS: No, I think he bent over with both, to shake — with both hands to shake his hand, so I don’t–

LOTHIAN: — one hand —

GIBBS: Well I… [laughter]

LOTHIAN: Did he bow or didn’t he?

GIBBS: No. But I think this meeting was like a week ago, right?

LOTHIAN: That’s right but this is something a lot of people are talking about today.

GIBBS: I can only imagine it is of great cause and concern for many people struggling with the economy.

With that, Gibbs moved on to the next reporter.

It’s fascinating to note that Gibbs had three lines of defense for the question:

  1. Say that Obama bent over to shake with both hands, when videos show he shook with only one
  2. Attempt to push it away by saying that the event happened a week ago
  3. Use the economy as an excuse to avoid the question

Since the economy is falling apart, will the Obama administration – which promised to be the most open and transparent in history – not be answering questions they don’t want to?

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