
Connecting the Dots in Iraq

Here’s a link to the blog post referenced on Friday’s program.

Iraq’s War Against the US – The Hidden Details

(An excerpt)

Was Iraq a diversion of our military efforts from Afghanistan? I’ve heard this said, repeatedly, by the Left. This assertion is demonstrably the opposite of the truth. The Afghanistan conflict was, in fact, a diversion from our nation’s commitment to completely destroy Saddam Hussein’s regime through military force.

In the beginning of GW Bush’s first term, we were at war against Iraq with the national goal set by the Clinton Administration, with Congressional approval – complete destruction of Saddam’s regime then installation of a democratically elected government. Both Al Gore and GW Bush committed to finishing the job at which Clinton had failed so miserably. Full hostilities had been resumed and the goalposts set in 1998 with the Iraq Liberation Act. The temporary cease-fire was called off. The job had to get done. To be clear, as Joe Lieberman explained, Al Gore ALSO planned to roll the tanks into Iraq to achieve the goals of the Iraq Liberation Act. He just wasn’t going to waste time haggling with the UN in an effort to get them to back up their Resolutions. That was futile – the UN was corrupted by Saddam’s money.

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