
Pot, meet Kettle

This is a transcript of the Unto the Breach program. Click here for the audio.

The U.K. newspaper the Guardian revealed this morning that

One of the chief Iranian concerns revolves around suspicion that the US is engaged in covert action aimed at regime change, including support for separatist groups in areas such as Kurdistan, Sistan-Baluchestan and Khuzestan.

How can Iran say that with a straight face? Iranian-funded, -trained, and -supported terrorists are operating in dozens of countries. Iranian terrorist cells are all over Europe, Latin America, even the United States. Hamas governs the Gaza Strip. Hezbollah has 50,000 rockets pointed at Israel and has veto power in the Lebanese government. As we revealed yesterday, we are now fighting Iranian proxies in Iraq rather than al Qaeda.

Remember that until 9/11, Hezbollah was responsible for more U.S. deaths than any other terrorist group. In 2008, Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff described Hezbollah as “the A-team of terrorists in terms of capabilities, in terms of range of weapons they have, in terms of internal discipline.” And Iran is concerned that the U.S. may be up to something?

So what is the Obama Administration going to do? Write a letter. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has her pick of letters drafted by the State Department. But could there be a conflict of interest? In December of 2008, the William J. Clinton Foundation accepted a donation from a foundation that supports Iranian causes. reports that the Alavi Foundation donated between $25,000 and $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation in December of 2008. Trouble is, the Alavi Foundation was indicted for obstruction of justice the same day. What did they destroy? Documents that were subpoenaed linking them to the Iranian government’s Bank Melli. And two days before that, the foundation’s parner, the New York-based ASSA Corp. was designated as a terrorist entity and their assets were seized. Plus, the Alavi Foundation gave the Clinton Foundation $30,000 about three years ago.

To top it off, the Alavi Foundation currently has five lawsuits filed against it by victims of Iranian or Hezbollah terror attacks.  This would have been nice to know before the Senate confirmation hearing on Mrs. Clinton, right? This was made public over two weeks before the hearing.

Can we expect our Secretary of State to remain impartial? Let’s hope so.

But really, what effect will a letter have on the Iranians? Will the letter somehow change their minds on the elimination of Israel? Will this letter stop their nuclear weapons program? Will they see that the apocalypse isn’t such a good idea after all? Not unless it comes with a magic wand. This letter will do nothing to address Iran’s goals. Not even two letters will stop them now. Unfortunately, the only thing that will stop Iran is the threat of force. You can’t compromise with tyrants and supremacists.

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