
Pelosi’s Excellent Adventure

In an interview on “FOX News Sunday,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told host Chris Wallace that she is receptive to the idea of prosecuting Bush Administration officials.

“I think you look at each item and see what is a violation of the law and do we even have a right to ignore it,” Pelosi said. “And other things that are maybe time that is spent better looking to the future rather than to the past.”

Now if these violations of the law were so important, why wait until now to investigate, Mrs. Pelosi? If crimes against our country were being perpetrated by the evil Bush administration, wouldn’t it have been a better idea to look into them when the crimes were committed? If Pelosi and Co. were looking out for ‘We the People,’ they would have nipped illegal activity in the bud. But instead, they are more interested in securing the perpetual rule of the Democrat by destroying Republicans.

Now this brings to mind Speaker Pelosi’s “alternative foreign policy” trip to cozy up with state sponsors of terror – the President of Syria Bashar Assad, and the PLO’s Mahmoud Abbas (financier of the 1972 Olympic massacre). These guys do their level best to destroy the state of Israel, an ally of the United States. Remember, when the Democrats fouled up Israeli-Syrian relations by misrepresenting Israel’s position? Well, this trip constituted a felony violation of the Logan Act, which forbids unauthorized persons from negotiating with foreign governments.

A member of Pelosi’s delegation — the late Tom Lantos (D-CA) himself admitted: “We have an alternative Democratic foreign policy.” If Speaker Pelosi really wants to start investigating the Bush administration, then perhaps she might look to her own camp as well. Pelosi’s alternative foreign policy should make her a felon with three years behind bars as well as Lantos and the other members of Pelosi’s excellent adventure.

It’s noteworthy that half of the delegation either are or have been members of the socialist-linked Congressional Progressive Caucus: Pelosi, Lantos, Keith Ellison (D-MN), Henry Waxman (D-CA), and Louise Slaughter (D-NY). Pelosi stepped down in 2002 once she became house minority leader, and Lantos is deceased.

Anyhow, Unto the Breach won’t stand for any unconstitutional activity, regardless of party. If members of the Bush Administration broke the law, then they should be prosecuted. But before Speaker Pelosi goes on her witch-hunt, she should be mindful of the plank in her own eye.

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