National Security

Hamas’ stance on peace with Israel

This is a transcript of the Unto the Breach program. Click here for the audio.

Hillary Clinton is going through her Senate confirmation hearing today for Secretary of State. If I were there, I would love at some point for someone to make this statement: “the statements you have made today really require the willing suspension of disbelief.”

After Clinton’s confirmation, she will have to face the situation in the Middle East. The world is always calling on the Israelis to stop the violence. But telling Israel to stop shooting back isn’t exactly the best path to peace. Israel pulled out of the Gaza Strip four years ago. You would think when that happened, Gaza would have settled down and relaxed, maybe even become a productive member of the world society.

But the terrorist group Hamas staged a coup and swept to power through murder and intimidation. While in charge of Gaza, Hamas fired thousands of rockets into Israel. In fact, more than Nazi Germany fired into Britain during the Blitz. And those countries were fighting World War 2! Gaza is portrayed as the victim of the Israelis, but the Palestinians have only themselves to blame.

Is there a possibility of peace between the Israelis and Hamas? A look at their charter will tell you all you need to know. Here’s what Hamas themselves say about negotiation: “There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.”

That kind of streamlines the process, doesn’t it, Mrs. Clinton? You can’t have peace when one side refuses to accept anything other than jihad.

Even worse than their platform on negotiations is their plan for Israel. Again, straight from the Hamas charter: “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”

Some religion of peace. So where exactly is the logic of sitting down with those who, in their own words, openly plan to “obliterate” you?

To believe that there can be peace between Hamas and Israel really does require a “willing suspension of disbelief.”

Now remember that Iran is backing Hamas. Iran benefits from the situation in Gaza by being able to put the finishing touches on their nuclear program while we are distracted.

On Sunday, President-elect Obama reminded us on ABC’s “This Week” that he still plans to negotiate with Iran. But the mullahs in Iran laugh at our willingness to sit down with them. No matter what Obama may say, they will not halt their nuclear weapons program. In fact, the Iranians have said that they have conditions that the United States must meet before they talk with us: First, we must pull all of our troops out of the Middle East. Then, we must end all assistance to Israel. Then they will talk.

Nuclear-armed mullahs who want to bring about the apocalypse isn’t necessarily in our nations best interest. Obama’s soft power and a “new emphasis on respect” when it comes to Iran are not the answer. Doesn’t sound like peace is right around the corner there, either.

In other news, Barack Obama has told us that on his first full day in office, he will shut down the detention facility in Guantanamo Bay. Where will the 248 detainees go? We’ll keep an eye on it here at Unto the Breach.

And before we close the program – some lighter news. Hats off to the French navy for actually making someone else surrender. The New York Post reports: “The fleet from a country known more for its lightning-quick surrenders than its military successes captured more than a dozen Somali pirates and rescued two threatened cargo ships off the Gulf of Aden. In what must have been a confusing experience for the Brie-loving seamen, 19 Somali pirates raised their hands in surrender and let the French sailors raid their boat on Sunday.” The last significant victory for the French Navy was against China in the 1884 Battle of Foochow. They were due.

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