National Security

Jihadis plot mass murder, US takes the heat

Muslim immigrants have been convicted of conspiracy to murder U.S. military personnel at Fort Dix, New Jersey. Despite the fact that they were caught performing reconnaisance and plotting attacks on Fort Dix and other military posts… despite the fact that they were busted buying assault weapons from an FBI informant… despite the fact that one of the terrorists were caught saying that no matter the consequences, he would carry out the mass murder, the American Muslim community is directing their anger at – the U.S. government.

The Muslim apologist group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is crying foul. CAIR spokesman Jim Shues said, “Many people in the Muslim community will see this as a case of entrapment. From what I saw, there was a significant role played by the government informant.” Pay no attention to the jihadis behind the curtain! The informant was behind the whole thing!

Former Muslim chaplain for the U.S. military (and Democratic National Convention delegate) James Yee complained, “All of this doesn’t help build trust with the American Muslim community, and that is vital if our law enforcement is going to fight terrorism. If anyone can improve security, it’s our community, but we need to be seen as trusted partners, not potential suspects.”

The primary role of government is keeping Americans safe, not building trust with Muslims. How does Mr. Yee figure we will fight terrorism if we give aspiring mass murderers a free pass? It is up to the American Muslim community to build trust with us.

There’s more than meets the eye with Yee as Robert Spencer writes at Front Page Magazine:

Yee knows what it’s like to be a suspect: in 2004 he was investigated for mishandling classified material at Guantanamo. The charges were dismissed in March 2004, but Yee was not exactly cleared: AP reported that “in dismissing the charges, Maj. Gen. Geoffrey D. Miller, commander of Joint Task Force Guantanamo, which operates the detention center, cited ‘national security concerns that would arise from the release of the evidence’ if the case proceeded.” Not exactly a resounding affirmation of Yee’s clean hands.

What is it about DNC delegates supporting terrorism? I can hardly imagine the media giving Republicans a free pass with RNC delegates like these.

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