
Timing of Blagoyevich’s arrest is suspicious

It is interesting to note that the federal prosecutor, Patrick Fitzgerald, who nabbed Illinois governor Rod Blagoyevich for allegedly attempting to sell Obama’s vacant senate seat was the same guy who investigated the Bush administration a year or so ago for ‘outing’ a covert CIA agent.

To backtrack, it was alleged that CIA employee Valerie Plame was a covert operative, and that was simply not true. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage did leak her identity – which was classified, but she was not covert –  to columnist Robert Novak back in 2003. Armitage was not at all friendly to the Bush administration. Ignoring the fact that Plame’s husband Joe Wilson ‘outed’ her to the New York Times in an editorial, Fitzgerald instead focused the investigation on Dick Cheney’s chief of staff Scooter Libby, who got caught up in a perjury trap and is now serving time. Even according to the person who wrote the law concerning outing covert agents said that this did not apply to Plame, but the comment was dismissed by the judge, or something to that effect.

Anyhow, the guy who ignored the true source of the leak and nailed someone not at all involved is now investigating Gov. Blagoyevich. He did pull the trigger, but the timing is crucial. Blagoyevich was arrested before any money changed hands. Perhaps if they waited a bit longer, there would be a smoking gun, and we would have seen just how corrupt this whole deal would become, and who all was involved. Remember that Obama comes from this Chicago political machine. His good buddy Tony Rezko is now involved in the investigation.

Perhaps Fitzgerald did some preemptive damage control before Obama had any more skeletons appear in his closet.

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