
What is wrong with this picture?

As I write this, it appears that Barack Obama might have just defeated John McCain in the presidential race. Things are not looking good for America.

Now, amidst all of the calls for bipartisanship, the Republicans nominated a “maverick.” A guy who does not toe the party line. A guy who works with Democrats. Heck, a guy who recently thought twice about leaving the Republican party. The Democrats got exactly what they wanted: they got a candidate willing to compromise, they got someone who has reached across party lines. But who did the Democrats nominate? The most liberal senator there is. A guy who is a true blue, hardcore liberal with more than enough Marxist policies to go around. A guy who never works with Republicans. How interesting.


The unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers hasn’t hurt Obama. “Kill all the rich people. … Bring the revolution home. Kill your parents.” Yawn.

Neither has his afrocentric pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. “God Bless America? No, no, no! Not God bless America. God damn America!” “The U.S. of KKKA.” Whatever. He’s only Obama’s spiritual mentor, and Obama has only been going to his church for 20 years. Why would we think that he shares Rev. Wright’s views? In turn, why would there be cause for concern regarding Wright’s ties to Louis Farrakhan and Libya’s Moammar Gadhafi? No sweat.

Who really cares that Obama will not produce a valid document proving his U.S. citizenship? It seems as though I have been under the false impression that the Constitution of the United States mattered. Years ago, I swore an oath to support and defend it, and members of the government have sworn the same. Aren’t they violating that oath? Should my fellow veterans and I do something about a potential foreigner running our country?

This isn’t a violation of our founding document, but what about Obama refusing to honor the flag during the National Anthem in my home state of Iowa at the beginning of the campaign? What is wrong with this picture?

Obama has said that he would still increase taxes on capital gains if it could be shown that it would lower government revenues, in order to ensure “fairness.” He has said that his cap-and-trade system would bankrupt anyone trying to build a coal power plant. But we only get half of our nation’s power from coal, so that’s no big deal, right?

Now his wife Michelle has said, “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country.” Correct me if I am wrong, but there should be plenty to feel proud of in a nation of liberty, justice, equality, and unlimited opportunity… Unless that just isn’t your thing.

Apparently the endorsements by the anti-Semitic, anti-capitalist, militant black supremacist group, the New Black Panthers didn’t have a negative affect on Obama. The Obama campaign thought highly enough of their endorsement to proudly display it on the website.

Why would the Obama campaign permit posters and flags in their office of Che Guevara, the Socialist thug who killed thousands of Cubans (that probably had hope and desired change until they found out what the change was)? Che also beat the Jihadis to the punch by attempting terrorist attacks on the U.S. in the 1960’s.

There should be no cause for concern of Obama’s connections with Rashid Khalili, who worked for Yasser Arafat’s PLO. Khalili has expressed support for terrorism, and calls Israel a racist state. What about his Muslim Outreach coordinator stepping down due to ties with terrorists? No worries. His Middle East adviser also stepped down due to questionable terrorist ties. Anti-Semitism abounds in the Obama camp, but surely our ally Israel has nothing to fear.

I guess there’s nothing at all suspicious about when Saudi international fixer and Black Panther adviser Khalid al Mansour raised money and pulled strings in order to place a young Obama in Harvard Law Shool.

Iran has all-but endorsed Obama. That’s comforting. The same Iran that has been killing hundreds of our soldiers in Iraq. Why? Obama has said that he would meet with Iran without preconditions. The thing is, Iran has said that they would meet with the U.S., but with the preconditions that we give up our support for Israel and remove all troops from the Middle East. Plus, his VP Joe Biden recently refused to name Iran’s Qods Force a terrorist organization.

What’s more, Biden bragged in the 1980’s that he stopped covert operations by threatening to leak them. In 1974, Biden voted to make all covert operations, and in some cases espionage, illegal. Now Obama wants to notify terrorists within seven days that they are being watched. But we can rest assured that these two will keep our homeland safe from Iran.

Obama gave the liberal organization ACORN, who produces mountains of illicit voter registrations each election, over $800,000 to register voters. Apparently the coverage of that connection wasn’t favorable to someone, as the October Washington Times article has simply disappeared.

Even more disturbing (hopefully) is that Obama campaigned for his cousin, Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Amollo Odinga. Obama also gave him $1 million to the self-proclaimed European-trained communist. When Odinga lost his election for President, he launched attacks that resulted in a campaign of rapes, a thousand murders, including 50 Christians burned alive in their church, and hundreds of other Christian churches destroyed.

And then there’s the endorsements by George Soros, Iran, Hamas, Hugo Chavez, Castro, North Korea, Gadhafi, the Young Communist League, Democratic Socialists of America, the Marxist “New Party,” Party of European Socialists, and the Socialists for Obama.

Is anything wrong with this picture?

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