
The Real ‘Failed Policy of the Past’

Despite the fact that our government is to blame for our financial crisis, they have somehow found a way to make the situation worse. The government is getting away with this because so many voters do not understand why we are in this mess to begin with. We are to blame, the politicians are simply taking advantage of us. It could be that capitalism and individual liberty are two of the “failed policies of the past” that Barack Obama laments.

That being said, it is our duty as an American citizens to learn why our markets are in the shape they are in. Don’t simply get caught up in the feel-good platitudes of “hope” and “change.” Look before you leap. The most simple and effective way to reach the truth is to watch this video. In 10 minutes, you will have a full understanding of why this happened, and what the real “failed policies of the past” are. It is high time American voters got their heads out of the sand when it comes to economics. We can then make an informed decision about the future of our country.

If our nation continues on its present course, capitalism will be destroyed, and socialism will rise from the ashes. I cannot impress upon you how important this situation is to our future generations. Our free market has been assaulted by the government, and this may well be the straw that broke the camel’s back. Watch the video.

Note: Due to a complaint by Time Warner (who gave $338,527 to Barack Obama’s campaign), the video has been removed from YouTube (Google gave Obama $420,174). It can still be found on the user’s channel, but Obama’s truth squads have been popping up everywhere, so watch it while you still can. The truth can’t hide from the truth squads forever.

(Mussolini had the Blackshirts, Hitler had the Brownshirts, now Obama has the truth squads?)

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